About Us

BSFIS Learner’s Profile

Our learner’s profile encompasses Bright characteristics that shape multiple intelligences and imbibe a global outlook with reverence for Indian culture.

Best Efforts

We acknowledge that everyone has a unique personality and potential. What is most important is putting forward the best efforts without thinking about the results.


We are responsible. The scope of our responsibility is not restricted to personal capacity but gradually expands from family and friends to society, nation and the world.


Innovation emerges from concentration, contemplation, and love for a subject. We commemorate every single original idea and thought.


We owe our existence to Mother Nature. The mutual symbiosis of various living creatures is vital to the survival and proliferation of every species including humans. The entire Earth is our family वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and we are grateful to Mother Nature and those who have nurtured us to be what we are today.

Healthy mind and body

Our actions emanate from our thoughts and our thoughts from our minds. Hence, a healthy mind is important for a healthy society. A healthy mind is an outcome of a healthy body. We constantly endeavour to make our minds and bodies fit, active, and robust.

Team spirit and
leadership qualities

Leading is as important as cooperating and working in a team. We strive for inculcating both Leadership and Teamwork as essential elements for a successful and fulfilling life.


Our Logo is a visual representation of the synergy of five elements of nature which is at the core of
our existence. Each of the five stars represents one element of nature with its significance

The logo in its entirety represents the holistic development of the child which is the core of our teaching pedagogy.